Statspack report

SQL ordered by Elapsed time for DB: ORCL  Instance: orcl  Snaps: 19094 -19114
-> Total DB Time (s):          19,794
-> Captured SQL accounts for   28.6% of Total DB Time
-> SQL reported below exceeded  1.0% of Total DB Time

Elapsed                Elap per            CPU                        Old
Time (s)   Executions  Exec (s)  %Total   Time (s)  Physical Reads Hash Value
———- ———— ———- —— ———- ————— ———-
467.77          296       1.58    2.4      24.79       5,932,508 3741116312
Module: dsi_ts_tcpip.exe
CU = ‚       SN002‘ Order By V55KBDC1.KMMCU

A jak získat celý SQL statement a jeho exekuční plán na základě hash value?

Pomocí scriptu @\rdbms\admin\sprepsql.sql

Specify the Begin and End Snapshot Ids
Enter value for begin_snap: 19094
Begin Snapshot Id specified: 19094

Enter value for end_snap: 19114
End   Snapshot Id specified: 19114

Specify the old (i.e. pre-10g) Hash Value
Enter value for hash_value: 3741116312
Hash Value specified is: 3741116312

Specify the Report Name
The default report file name is sp_19094_19114_3741116312.  To use this name,
press <return> to continue, otherwise enter an alternative.

Enter value for report_name:
Using the report name sp_19094_19114_3741116312

STATSPACK SQL report for Old Hash Value: 3741116312  Module: dsi_ts_tcpip.exe
DB Name         DB Id    Instance     Inst Num Release     RAC Host
———— ———– ———— ——– ———– — —————-
ORCL       4263223448 orcl             1  NO  DBASolar

Start Id     Start Time         End Id      End Time       Duration(mins)
——— ——————- ——— ——————- ————–
19094 11-May-16 04:00:01      19114 11-May-16 06:00:03          120.03

SQL Statistics
-> CPU and Elapsed Time are in seconds (s) for Statement Total and in
milliseconds (ms) for Per Execute
% Snap
Statement Total      Per Execute   Total
—————  —————  ——
Buffer Gets:       7,314,773         24,712.1    1.45
Disk Reads:       5,932,508         20,042.3   24.95
Rows processed:           1,150              3.9
CPU Time(s/ms):              25             83.7
Elapsed Time(s/ms):             468          1,580.3
Sorts:               0               .0
Parse Calls:             296              1.0
Invalidations:               0
Version count:               1
Sharable Mem(K):              27
Executions:             296

SQL Text
CU = ‚       SN002‘ Order By V55KBDC1.KMMCU

Known Optimizer Plan(s) for this Old Hash Value
Shows all known Optimizer Plans for this database instance, and the Snap Id’s
they were first found in the shared pool.  A Plan Hash Value will appear
multiple times if the cost has changed
-> ordered by Snap Id

First        First           Last           Plan
Snap Id     Snap Time      Active Time    Hash Value        Cost
——— ————— ————— ———— ———-
16214 26-Apr-16 23:00 27-Apr-16 21:49   1419033047      6022
16284 27-Apr-16 06:00 09-May-16 21:48   1419033047
16454 27-Apr-16 23:00 29-Apr-16 21:00   1092194495      6016
16474 28-Apr-16 01:00 29-Apr-16 21:45   1092194495
16944 30-Apr-16 00:00 03-May-16 22:59   1419033047      5798
17664 04-May-16 00:00 11-May-16 06:57   3864953904      6812
17704 04-May-16 04:00 10-May-16 23:54   3864953904
18134 05-May-16 23:00 09-May-16 20:58   1419033047      6290

Plans in shared pool between Begin and End Snap Ids
Shows the Execution Plans found in the shared pool between the begin and end
snapshots specified.  The values for Rows, Bytes and Cost shown below are those
which existed at the time the first-ever snapshot captured this plan – these
values often change over time, and so may not be indicative of current values
-> Rows indicates Cardinality, PHV is Plan Hash Value
-> ordered by Plan Hash Value

| Operation                      | PHV/Object Name     |  Rows | Bytes|   Cost |
|SELECT STATEMENT                |—– 3864953904 —-|       |      |   6397 |
|HASH JOIN                       |                     |     2K|  516K|   6397 |
| TABLE ACCESS FULL              |F3016                |     2K|  405K|   5099 |
| TABLE ACCESS FULL              |F4101                |    14K|  782K|   1298 |

End of Report
