Script není moje práce, ale převzal jsem ho z internetu.

SQL> clear columns
columns cleared
SQL> set verify off
SQL> col tot_mon noprint new_value range
SQL> — Compute how many months have gone since the database was created
SQL> select ceil(months_between(sysdate, created)) tot_mon
2 from v$database
3 /

SQL> col maxinc noprint new_value max_inc
SQL> -- Compute the maximum number of times a file created in 'autoextend' mode
SQL> -- has grown
SQL> select max(round((d.bytes - d.create_bytes) / / d.block_size)) maxinc
 2 from sys.file$ f,
 3 v$datafile d
 4 where > 0
 5 and f.file# = d.file#
 6 and d.bytes > d.create_bytes
 7 /
SQL> col GB format 9999990.00
SQL> col volume format A60
SQL> --
SQL> -- The factorized subquery tries to build a 'size history' for all
SQL> -- files that are in autoextend mode. It generates a list fo file#,
SQL> -- associated to 'prior size' and 'new size'. The snag is that a crucial
SQL> -- element is missing: the date when autoextension was triggered.
SQL> -- To fill the blanks as best as we can, we try to get the creation date
SQL> -- of the oldest data or index segment the segment header of which is
SQL> -- physically located in the new extension.
SQL> --
SQL> with extended_files as
 2 (select file#,
 3 nvl(lag(file_size, 1) over (partition by file#
 4 order by file_size), 0)
 5 prior_size,
 6 file_size,
 7 block_size
 8 from (select f.file#,
 9 f.create_blocks + x.rn * file_size,
 10 f.block_size
 11 from (select f.file#,
 12 d.create_bytes / d.block_size create_blocks,
 14 d.bytes / d.block_size blocks,
 15 d.block_size
 16 from sys.file$ f,
 17 v$datafile d
 18 where > 0
 19 and f.file# = d.file#
 20 and d.bytes > d.create_bytes
 21 and rownum > 0) f,
 22 (select rownum - 1 rn
 23 from dual
 24 connect by level <= &max_inc + 1) x
 25 where (f.create_blocks + x.rn * <= f.blocks))
 26 select "MONTH",
 27 round(cumul/1024, 2) GB,
 28 -- Draw a histogram
 29 rpad('=', round(60 * cumul / current_M), '=') volume
 30 from (select to_char(cal.mon, 'MON-YYYY') "MONTH",
 31 sum(nvl(evt.M, 0)) over (order by cal.mon range unbounded
 32 preceding) cumul,
 33 tot.curr_M current_M,
 34 cal.mon
 35 from -- current database size (data size)
 36 (select round(sum(bytes)/1024/1024) curr_M
 37 from v$datafile) tot,
 38 -- all the months since the database was created
 39 (select add_months(trunc(sysdate, 'MONTH'), -rn) mon
 40 from (select rownum - 1 rn
 41 from dual
 42 connect by level <= &range)) cal,
 43 -- all the months when the size of the database changed
 44 (select size_date,
 45 round(sum(bytes)/1024/1024) M
 46 from (-- files in autoextend mode
 47 select file#, max(bytes) bytes, size_date
 48 from (select file#, bytes, trunc(min(ctime), 'MONTH')
 49 size_date
 50 -- Get the oldest creation date of tables or indexes
 51 -- that are located in extensions.
 52 -- Other segment types are ignored.
 53 from (select s.file#,
 54 f.file_size * f.block_size bytes,
 55 o.ctime
 56 from sys.seg$ s,
 57 extended_files f,
 58$ t,
 59 sys.obj$ o
 60 where s.file# = f.file#
 61 and s.type# = 5
 62 and s.block# between f.prior_size and
 63 f.file_size
 64 and s.file# = t.file#
 65 and s.block# = t.block#
 66 and t.obj# = o.obj#
 67 union all
 68 select s.file#,
 69 f.file_size * f.block_size bytes,
 70 o.ctime
 71 from sys.seg$ s,
 72 extended_files f,
 73 sys.ind$ i,
 74 sys.obj$ o
 75 where s.file# = f.file#
 76 and s.type# = 6
 77 and s.block# between f.prior_size and
 78 f.file_size
 79 and s.file# = i.file#
 80 and s.block# = i.block#
 81 and i.obj# = o.obj#)
 82 group by file#, bytes)
 83 group by file#, size_date
 84 union all
 85 -- files that are not in autoextend mode
 86 select d.file#,
 87 d.create_bytes bytes,
 88 trunc(d.creation_time, 'MONTH') size_date
 89 from v$datafile d,
 90 sys.file$ f
 91 where nvl(, 0) = 0
 92 and f.file# = d.file#)
 93 group by size_date) evt
 94 where evt.size_date (+) = cal.mon)
 95 order by mon
 96 /
-------- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------
JUN-2013 1.62
JUL-2013 1.62
AUG-2013 1.62
SEP-2013 2.33
OCT-2013 2.33
NOV-2013 3.02
DEC-2013 3.02
JAN-2014 3.03
FEB-2014 8.54 =
MAR-2014 18.56 ===
APR-2014 52.62 =========
MAY-2014 99.05 ================
JUN-2014 122.64 ====================
JUL-2014 182.61 ==============================
AUG-2014 192.21 ===============================
SEP-2014 235.83 =======================================
OCT-2014 262.05 ===========================================
NOV-2014 294.86 ================================================
DEC-2014 294.86 ================================================
